Dot Com

For your convenience, and in order to make me feel like a big deal, Sew Lindsay Sew is now a real life DOT COM. No more wonky blog address that has “wordpress dot whatever” mixed in there. Honestly guys, I didn’t even have my own blog address memorized – how bad is that? Now, to visit my blog, simply type Woot!DotComThis is something I had intended to do in honor of my 100th blog post, but the idea was overshadowed by the excitement surrounding my 100 No Pressure Projects list.  It doesn’t cost very much for a web site domain, but I had always resisted on principle, wanting to “earn” the privilege by proving to myself that I could keep up with the blog. So here it is. Another blog milestone! Celebrate! LindsaySignature


Guess what? This is my 99th blog post, with my 100th just around the corner! It’s taken me a pretty long time to get here, considering my first post was on October 19, 2010. But my last-minute decision to go to grad school in 2011 meant my blog took a really, really long break and I’ve recently hopped back on the sewing train. Celebrate!

In my next post, I’m going to announce a cool new idea I have up my sleeve in honor of the 100th post. But for number ninety-nine, I thought it would be fun to dig into the archives and highlight some of my previous projects – including some that were never even mentioned in my blog. This is just as exciting as getting the DVD and watching the extra scenes that were cut out of the movie, right!?

Continue reading

Zippity Doo Dah!

You know it’s going to be a good day when the Google Doodle makes you smile. Today’s Google screen celebrates Gideon Sundbäck, the man who perfected the zipper. The letters look like they were embroidered and you can actually use your cursor to “unzip” the screen. Amazing. It’s the little things in life, people.

Google Doodle Zipper


While I’m incredibly thankful for the flexibility that the zipper has brought into our lives, I’m making a mental note to curse this man every time the needle on my sewing machine hits a zipper and makes that scary shuddering noise.

Oh the things we learn from the Google Doodle. Happy birthday, zipper man!

Why I love hardware stores (and you should too)

Let me start off by saying that, in my opinion, craft stores trump all other stores. The amount of potential in a craft store is overwhelming. I can look at the most minuscule little item and think of a zillion and one ways to turn it into something fun… which is why I go in for one item, and leave three hours later with a cartful.

But that’s to be expected, right? I write a sewing blog, I’m pretty open about my love for crayons and I had to pick my roommate up off the floor when she first saw my colossal sticker collection. Of course I love craft stores.

But I don’t exactly fall into the typical “hardware store” demographic.

Tim Al Home Improvement

I don’t wear a tool belt. Or plaid.

I’m not sure when my opinion about hardware stores changed. I remember being dragged to the hardware store throughout my childhood and thinking it was the worst shopping trip ever. My brother and I found solace in the doorbell section… lots of buttons to push, both literally and figuratively.

The other day, I went to the hardware store for a mop (they have the best section of cleaning supplies!) and I was reminded how much I’ve grown to love hardware stores. They’re just intensified versions of craft stores. The difference is that the floor is a lot dirtier, the merchandise is pretty heavy and the tools and chemicals in there might kill you if used improperly (whereas the hot glue gun at the craft store? Just a minor burn, people).

But really, the differences aren’t important. The bottom line is that both stores are exploding with potential. A bunch of people might buy the exact same item and use it in a different way, for a different reason or with different results.

See what I mean?

Pattern Weights from bolts and washers

Toni at Sugar Tart Crafts uses washers and bolts wrapped in ribbon as pattern weights! Brilliant.

Paint chip gift box and bow

Crafters go cuckoo for paint chips… check out this amazing paint chip gift box and bow from Style with a Smile TV.

PVC Pipe Playhouse

Of course, every great playhouse starts with PVC pipes… including this playhouse from

Whenever I walk into  a hardware store, I wish I had the ability to build something amazing.  Remember Amy Wynn Pastor on Trading Spaces, circa early-2000’s? She was an awesome example of girl-power, and always executed the most brilliant ideas.

Amy Wynn Pastor

Amy Wynn Pastor

So if I woke up with magical carpentry skills, what would be the first thing I’d want to build?

I think I’d like to start with this treehouse. What do you think? 🙂

New Treehouses of the World by Pete Nelson

Coming soon to my backyard: from the book New Treehouses of the World by Pete Nelson.

The (not so) big two-eight.

Tomorrow I turn 28. I want to write something profound, but I’m at a loss. What’s there to say about 28? I keep typing and backspacing, so I’ll just start with this celebratory birthday photo from 1988 instead:

February 7 Birthday

My fourth birthday at pre-school, 1988

So much has changed in the last year that I can’t help but wonder what 28 has in store for me.


I lived in a tiny apartment… now I’m in a grand ‘ole townhouse with the most spectacular sewing nook in the world!

My life was Winnie-less… so hard to believe this precious puppy hadn’t even been born at this time last year. She’s been a part of our little roommate-family since July, so it’s hard to imagine life without her. I’m so thankful that my roommate Katie brought Winnie into our home and our hearts!

Winnie the Morkie

Winnie love.

I was working two jobs… office by day, retail by night. Since then, I quit the retail job and I’m spending a zillion hours pursuing my MBA instead… which might as well count as two jobs!

I had never run a half-marathon. My longest race had been a 10K – only 6 miles. But in October, I completed Disney’s Wine & Dine Half-Marathon with my two wonderful friends and running-mates, Joe and Chris. We were so proud!

Wine and Dine Half Marathon

Race photos are never attractive, so thanks in advance for not judging!

I had never gone home for the holidays since moving to Florida in 2006. But this past year, I went home for Thanksgiving and spent the day on a dairy farm with my family and some dear friends.

And speaking of family, my brother Jason was finally able to visit me in the Florida for the first time!

Mickey and Minnie in Town Square Theater

Spending some time with my favorite mice, my brother Jason and his girlfriend Sarah.

I still had all four wisdom teeth… now I don’t have any. So much for being old and wise!

Wisdom Teeth Cartoon

Some dentist humor...

I had never traveled abroad. And while I still don’t technically have any international trips stamped on my passport, I will in just four months as I head to Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Sweden, Finland and Russia!

I never could have predicted any of the ups and downs that came my way at 27, for better or for worse. I’m insanely curious about what 28 has in store, but there’s only one way for me to find out! Stay tuned. 🙂

How to build an army bunker

As the owner of this blog, I have access to some pretty magical tools that give me all sorts of site stats to scrutinize and take personally (Only three visitors today!? What!? Is my blog not good enough for you!? My sewing projects aren’t pretty enough!?). I can also look at a list of the Google search phrases that lead people to my blog. The number one topic that leads visitors to my blog?

Pascal / Tangled: Yep, this little guy is the number one reason that people visit my blog – all because I posted this sewing-related photo from Tangled. Thanks for making me famous, Pascal! Despite the fact that you really have nothing to do with sewing…

Rapunzel sews Pascal a dress in Tangled

Pascal: Cuter than your average dressform!

Summer Sewing Projects: I have to admit, I really enjoyed putting together this compilation of summer sewing projects  a few months ago, and plan to write more collective tutorial posts in the future. My blog visitors must have enjoyed this entry too since it led lots of Google’ers to Sew Lindsay Sew! Did anybody out there make any of the projects that were listed?

Strawberry pillow sewing tutorial

Photo and tutorial courtesy of

Project Linus: I still haven’t gotten a chance to sew a blanket for this outstanding organization. Has anyone else volunteered with Project Linus?

Project Linus

Sewing blankies for those who need them most!

Sewing nook covers: Everyone out there with an e-reader must want to make their Barnes & Noble nook just a little bit cozier, ’cause “Hooked on my nook” is attracting lots of visitors to my blog!

E-reader nook cover

Hooked on my nook!

Rotary cutters: I talked about rotary cutters in an entry about the top five sewing tools I can’t live without. Not much else to say about rotary cutters other than this: They are magical and I can’t live without them, and apparently, neither can you because they’re one of the top Google search phrases in my site stats.

Sewing rotary cutter

Blissfully straight lines!

While the top phrases are pretty darn fun, I know you’re dying to know some of the awkward phrases that have led people to my blog!

Wallpaper sewing: Huh? This one baffled me for awhile until I realized they were probably looking for desktop wallpaper for their computer. In my head, I initially had a vision of sewing wallpaper onto walls in lieu of wallpaper paste. Strange.

How to build an army bunker: Yep, this is just your typical army-bunker-building blog… LOL!

Troll pigtails: What!?

So what led you to stumble across my blog? Or are you simply a Facebook friend who took pity on me and my sad little site stats? LOL!

Regardless of how you got here – thanks for visiting! And I’m sorry if I misled you – I do not actually know how to build an army bunker. 🙂

The evolution of a favorite color

When I was in elementary school, my favorite color was blue. I think it had something to do with the fact that everyone loves blue at some point in their life. But mostly, it was because of the “Cerulean” Crayola crayon.

Cerulean Crayon

The highly coveted cerulean crayon...

(Photo Source)

Fast-forward to my college years when I abandoned blue for pink – maybe because there wasn’t a huge demand for Cerulean crayon usage in college, or because pink seemed to be a trendy color in the early 2000’s (pink iPod mini, anyone?). Pink has remained my color of choice for a long time. With the help of my scuba buddies, I even managed to build up a collection of pink dive gear, officially making me the most obnoxious diver on earth.

Pink scuba gear

Not pictured: My hot pink air tank. Even the sharks would raise their eyebrows if sharks had eyebrows.

I still thoroughly enjoy pink, but since I’ve started sewing, my color preference has started to change. Lately I’ve been drawn to green, especially when it comes to fabrics. I like muted, earth-tone or pastel greens best. Check out this dreamy green inspiration board I put together to show you my newfound love for green!

Green Inspiration Board

It's easy being green when you're as pretty as these things!

I can’t really explain why I’ve started to love green so suddenly, but I do think it has a lot to do with sewing. Is green an up-and-coming color trend in the fabric stores? Am I only noticing a lot of green because I’m looking for it? Am I looking for it because it’s an up-and-coming color trend? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Am I asking too many questions?

Anyway. What’s your favorite color? Am I the only one who has gone through favorite-color stages?

SEW you want to go to school?

Tis the season of PB&J, new shoes and a fresh box of crayons – back-to-school! And while shopping for brand new school supplies is one of my favorite things in the world, I have not be able to personally celebrate the back-to-school season in many years. I tend to live vicariously through my friends who are teachers until summertime rolls around – and then I want nothing to do with my teacher-friends since they don’t have to work and I don’t want to hear about it!

Recently, Joe, a dear friend and fifth grade teacher, sent me this photo from the One Stitch Two Stitch blog and said, “If you were a teacher, this is what your bulletin board would look like!”

Sewing Bulletin Board

Click the photo to read more about this bulletin board at the One Stitch Two Stitch blog!

Oh, Joe. You know me SEW well! 🙂

Since I’m not a teacher, there is no bulletin-board decorating in my future. However, I’m happy to report that I personally celebrated the back-to-school season this year as I recently started the journey towards my MBA. Sadly, I didn’t need to buy any school supplies for my first day – apparently, there is no need for a box of crayons in grad school.

Regardless, I am appreciative that I am officially a part of the back-to-school season at all this year. I hope that this magical sewing bulletin board inspires my teacher pals. I’d love to see photos if you create a sewing theme on your boards!

Happy 2011-2012 school year! Let the learning begin. 🙂

Keep moving forward

It’s been more than a month since my last blog post. In general, the longer I wait to write, the more and more pressure there is to write something astounding, similar to when an antsy crowd is waiting for a speech and goes silent as the speaker steps up to the podium. That pressure just makes me procrastinate more as I prepare my next what’s supposed to be my next earth-shattering move.

But truthfully, a lot has happened in the past month, and I’ve been wondering how to address it. When I started this blog, I wanted the focus to be on sewing, not my personal life. But obviously, my sewing is intertwined with my personal life, and the things I experience day-to-day will affect how, when and why I sew.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about the major themes woven in and out of my personal life lately, whether it be my empty blog, exciting changes at work or horrifying letdowns in my personal life. And I realized that lately, my mantra for all of the above has been the following: KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

Meet the Robinson's Keep Moving Forward

One of my favorite Disney movies of all time is Meet the Robinsons. If you’ve never seen it, PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch it immediately! The screenshot above showcases a phrase that is used over and over throughout the movie: KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Here’s an inspiring (non-spoiler) clip from the movie to wet your appetite and show you the emphasis of the phrase throughout the movie.

So, what does “KEEP MOVING FORWARD” mean to me?

It means that no matter how wide my blogging gap, my goal should be to simply pick up where I left off without feeling pressure. Each day deserves equal opportunity for a blog post, regardless of what happened yesterday or the day before. Keep moving forward!

It means that when exciting changes at work come with a bigger margin for error as I try to learn the ropes, I shouldn’t live in fear or making decisions, meeting new people or trying new things. Keep moving forward!

And when I experience the ultimate betrayal in my personal life , all I can do is continue to put one foot forward at a time… hoping, trusting and having faith that happiness is just around the corner. Slowly, slowly, slowly, but surely… keep. moving. forward.

Getting me through it all have been a variety of creative endeavors, whether it be sewing or making silly videos with friends. But more importantly, I’ve taken on a handful of new sewing projects throughout the past month which I anticipate that you’ll be hearing about very, very soon!


Recycling “The Hot Seat”

The more my fabric collection grows, the more I’m convinced that collecting fabric scraps is equivalent to collecting memories.

Tonight I was digging around looking for scraps for the first draft of a new project (yes, a new project is in the works, woo!) and found this memorable scrap. My college roommate and I used it to cover an armchair in our dorm room sophomore year. We decided to call it “The Hot Seat” and added the iron-on letters and everything. I honestly don’t know what we were thinking.

The Hot Seat

I’m embarrassed to admit that it may have even been my idea. Hey, our college town was in the middle of a cornfield and we didn’t like parties. This (and studying) was how we chose to fill our time, which I think our parents really appreciated. Anyway. Stand by while this scrap gets turned into something new and exciting -because that, my friends, is the beauty of recycling fabric. 🙂